Sunday, August 30, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Haunting Swedish Cemeteries & Streets

Any Excuse is used to Riot and Burn these days....I guess people think if something offends you - Pillage....that seems to be the mindset. - For men shall be lovers of their own selves... 2 Timothy 3:2
"....activists burned a Qur’an in the southern Swedish city of Malmo, sparking riots and unrest after more than 300 people gathered to protest, police said Saturday."

"Two men of Middle Eastern descent have been arrested in the kidnapping, rape, and torture of two boys in a cemetery near Stockholm, according to reports.
A pair of underage boys were discovered naked and badly beaten in a cemetery in Solna, Sweden, on Sunday morning.
The boys, who were found undressed in a cemetery, are said to have been subjected to a torture-like assault that lasted a large part of the night,” Aftonbladet reports.
The victims were transported to a local hospital, where they revealed to police they had been kidnapped the previous night and brutalized for hours.
Two men have been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault of two victims of crime discovered by passersby in a cemetery,”  Swedish police wrote in a statement.
The suspects are both adult males in their 20s, one from Iran and the other of Tunisian descent."