Saturday, August 22, 2020

IN the NEWS - DNC's Godless Convention (anyone actually surprised?)

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; Psalm 33:12
Of course Democrats did...remember the last 2 conventions when they booed God?
So this is no surprise---a party that prides itself on race baiting, slaughtering the unborn and promotes the LGBT agenda, Marxism and relishes modern Gaia worship would want nothing to do with God other than misquoting Bible texts to suit their class warfare when they feel the need...

"President Trump tore into Democrats on Saturday for removing “Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this week.

The Democrats took the word GOD out of the Pledge of Allegiance at the Democrat National Convention. At first I thought they made a mistake, but it wasn’t. It was done on purpose,” Trump tweeted.
Remember Evangelical Christians, and ALL, this is where they are coming from-it’s done. Vote Nov 3!”
Trump was referring to the moderator leading the Muslim Delegates Assembly meeting on the second day of the DNC skipping “under God” as he recited the Pledge of Allegiance before the virtual meeting.
Notably, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-M.D) on Capitol Hill earlier this week also conspicuously left out under God while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance."