Wednesday, August 19, 2020

IN the NEWS - 2 Tim.3:3 Ripped from the Headlines

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come....Without natural affection, ...incontinent, fierce, (without self-control, brutal,--in NKJV) despisers of those that are good..
2 Timothy 3:1,3

"The teenager responsible for the death of a man at a Maryland Fair has been sentenced to probation and an anger management course
after delivering a fatal blow to a local man after a verbal argument over a dollar.
A 16-year-old pleaded guilty to the brutal assault at the Great Frederick Fair where a group of teenagers surrounded 59-year-old John Weed demanding a dollar.
When Weed failed to comply, the group punched him in the head repeatedly, with the 16-year-old in question landing the fatal blow.
After Weed fell to the ground unresponsive, the group of teens spat at the victim before dancing around his unconscious body, hollering excitedly. Weed died the next day in hospital after never regaining consciousness."

"A suspect was arrested and charged with attempted murder
yesterday after repeatedly ramming, and eventually overturning, a Venutra County Sheriff's Department SUV.
The Sheriff's office says that a patrol sergeant was on duty at about 2AM on Los Angeles Avenue when, in what it is calling an "unprovoked attacked" he was rammed twice from behind, forcing the SUV to overturn. 
The deputy had minor injuries and the suspect was identified as 29 year old Frankie Avalos. He was charged with suspicion of attempted murder of a police officer."