Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Creation Moment 8/27/2020 - Paul on the Created Heavens

"In no part of the creation of God do we find more wonderful Gospel lessons than in the heavens.

We have already seen that the heavenly bodies preach the Gospel, although they have no articulate speech.

The Apostle Paul, having stated that all had not obeyed the Gospel, adds that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, and then asks, "But I say, ‘Have they not heard?" Heard what? Why, the Gospel, of course.
And then he answers his own question, saying, "Yes, verily," and proves it by quoting the words of the Psalmist concerning the heavens, "Their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world." Romans 10.15-18.
The heavens, therefore, do most widely and powerfully preach the Gospel."