Saturday, August 15, 2020

Creation Moment 8/16/2020 - YOUR "Unique Neuronal Firing Sequences" = DESIGN

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14

"Researchers at the National Institutes of Health monitored the
electrical activity of thousands of individual brain cells, called neurons, as patients took memory tests.
They found that the firing patterns of the cells that occurred when patients learned a word pair were replayed fractions of a second before they successfully remembered the pair.

Over the past two decades, rodent studies have suggested that the brain may store memories in unique neuronal firing sequences.

These results suggest that our brains may use distinct sequences of neural spiking activity to store memories and then replay them when we remember a past experience,” said Dr. Zaghloul.
Last year, his team showed that electrical waves, called ripples, may emerge in the brain just split seconds before we remember something correctly.

In this study, the team discovered a link between the ripples recorded in
---the anterior temporal lobe
---and the spiking patterns seen during learning and memory.

They also showed that ripples recorded in another area called the medial temporal lobe slightly preceded the replay of firing patterns seen in the anterior temporal lobe during learning.

Our results support the idea that memories involve coordinated replay of neuronal firing patterns throughout the brain,” said Dr. Zaghloul. “Studying how we form and retrieve memories may not only help us understand ourselves but also how neuronal circuits break down in memory disorders.”