Thursday, August 13, 2020

Creation Moment 8/14/2020 - More Mysteries of "Time"

And though I .... understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; ...and have not Love, I am nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:2

"Evolving quantum processes backwards on a quantum computer to damage information in the simulated past causes little change when returned to the ‘present.’

Using a quantum computer to simulate time travel, researchers have demonstrated that, in the quantum realm, there is no “butterfly effect.”
In the research, information—qubits, or quantum bits—“time travel” into the simulated past. One of them is then strongly damaged, like stepping on a butterfly, metaphorically speaking. Surprisingly, when all qubits return to the “present,” they appear largely unaltered, as if reality is self-healing. 

Bin Yan, a post doc in the Center for Nonlinear Studies, also at Los Alamos. “So we can actually see what happens with a complex quantum world if we travel back in time, add small damage, and return. We found that our world survives, which means there’s no butterfly effect in quantum mechanics.”

We found that the notion of chaos in classical physics and in quantum mechanics must be understood differently,” Sinitsyn said."