Monday, July 13, 2020

Sipping that "Wine" since Eden

"Satan rebelled in heaven because he was jealous of Jesus. (See Isaiah 14:12-14.)
He wanted to take the place of Jesus, but he had at least 2 strikes against him:
1) He was a created being – not the Creator,
2) As such he was not self-existing.

Like the rest of creation he is dependent upon God for life.
Only the Godhead are, immortal or self-existing.

When rebellion spread to this planet satan attacked God on both of these points.

The first attack was made at the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, in the Garden of Eden.
God had given Adam and Eve just one restriction – they could not eat from the forbidden tree or they would die. Satan met Eve at that tree one day and said: You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:4).

---Here he served Eve the wine of the immortality of the soul.
Satan said she would not die but continue living in a higher state of being.
This wine is still being served in the fallen churches of Babylon today.

---Babylon has also drunk Satan’s wine that God did not create the world in six literal day according to the Biblical account.
All but a small handful of Christian churches have accepted some variation of the theory of evolution, thus discarding God as the Creator, and His seventh day Sabbath as the memorial of that fact. In its place they have accepted the pagan “day of the sun” in honor of Christ’s resurrection."