Tuesday, July 28, 2020

SDA News- How NOT to be an Adventist

"What business should Seventh-day Adventists have with the veneration of the earth, the veneration of the Virgin Mary, spiritualism, secular dancing, multicultural festivities, the blessing of fermented wine and multi-god worship services? What exactly are we trying to do in this world?

Are we really trying to reach every person on earth with the everlasting gospel in the context of Revelation 14:6-12? .... 6,000 people gathered at the Pope John Paul II Greek Theater in the Agnesi Park of San Martin, Mendoza Province, Argentina, to celebrate the start of the 2020 National Harvest Festival and the Blessings of the Fruits.

In addition to the “invocation of God” during what the media describes as a “big party,” more than 100 dancers performed different styles of dance, from contemporary to traditional.
Thousands come together every year during this event to give thanks to the earth.

Not only is pantheism being embraced and celebrated at this event, but we also see a union of the Babylonian family described in the book of Revelation. Government leaders (“kings of the earthRevelation 18:9), business leaders (“merchants of the earthRevelation 18:11) and religious leaders representing Christianity and paganism (“Harlot and daughtersRevelation 17:5) are coming together to embrace spiritualism.
The Earth Harvest 2020 event culminated in a great worship service in which Roman Catholics, Seventh-day Adventists, Evangelicals and pagan religions gave their blessings in accordance with their respective beliefs.

The entrance of the Virgen de la Carrodilla (Virgin Mary) gave a
break in artistic development to make way for the liturgy. At that time, the Mendoza Interreligious Council, headed by members of the Catholic, Jewish, Adventist, Mormon, Evangelical, Hare Krishna, and Native communities, gave blessings according to their respective beliefs.
‘It is an opportunity to celebrate the providence of God that is manifested in the fruits of the earth and in the work of man,’ said Marcelo Colombo, Archbishop of Mendoza, after blessing the fruits arranged on stage with water."