Sunday, July 19, 2020

SDA Issues: Pippenger's Spiritual Mental Abuse of his Cult

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:11

Well now that their (Future For America & Pippinger's) nutty
False Prophecy of the nuking of Nashville on 7/18/20 has proven to be, well, a FALSE PROPHECY---I discovered this FALSE PROPHECY and spiritual mental abuse of their followers on their website about their 1996 False claims about the dragon, beast and false prophet---

".....but we discovered just before September 7th that in 1996 there
was three satanic media outlets formalized one of them was Fox News the false prophet of Bible prophecy the other one was CNN the dragon of Bible prophecy and the third one was eternal world television network the media outlet the largest Catholic media
outlet in the world and we put that in the public record on September 7th under the title of the sermon was hiding Mother Angelica..."
