Thursday, July 9, 2020

On the Streets of Babylon: Wizard Staffs & Incantations seen & heard on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to have been "a Wizard's Staff and Incantations" spotted on the Streets of Babylon...

"Listeners of Bethel Church’s Transformation Now series were treated with a sight not usually seen when prophetess Marlene Barrett, in a bid to end racism within Bethel and the Ekklesia movement, whipped out a wizard staff- a sure sign that some tomfoolery was afoot.

There, on stage, she led Bill Johnson and others through a ritual incantation to cast out the demon of racism by prophetically reenacting a scene from Lord of The Rings. No joke.
Apostle Ed Silvoso, the architect of “transformational Christianity” told the audience that “faith without works is dead” and lead them in a “work” to demonstrate their faith.
She speaks of her vision of Gandalf and the Hobbits (their own fellowship on stage) deep in the heart of Moria on the eastern side of the Misty Mountains, with Gandalf sensing the presence of Durin’s Bane. (i.e., the Spirit of racism) As the Fellowship flees to the Bridge of Khazad-dûm (Bethel Church), Gandalf stops and confronts the demon that was holding court. This is the same thing this band of misfits is doing as they employ “the authority of Gandalf.”
Stating that the authority can “only be released by an apostolic decree” they decree and declare that racism will end. Then, as one fellowship, they all take hold together and lift up the wizard’s staff and bang it on the podium, shouting “thou shall not pass” to the demons."