Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Matthew 13:39 & the Everlasting Gospel

"Under the symbol of three angels' messages, there is introduced in the book of Revelation a threefold warning, which is followed by our Saviour's coming to reap the "harvest of the earth." (Rev. 14:14,15)

In the public ministry of Christ, our Lord gave a parable in which
He presented not only the seed sowing and the growth of the plants, but also the final "harvest."

In explaining this parable to His disciples, He told them distinctly that "the harvest is the end of the world," (Matt. 13:39) thus showing that these three messages not only immediately precede the end of the world, but that they contain the truths which are to "ripen" the harvest of the earth,
 -the one class for the heavenly garner,
-and the other for the wine-press of the wrath of God.

The first of these messages proclaims the "everlasting gospel."
These angelic messengers of Revelation are regarded as symbols of messages of truth to be proclaimed by men to this last generation. While the visible workers are men, angels, who "desire to look into" (1 Peter 1:12) the truths of the gospel.

In the first of these three messages, however, there is, connected with the proclamation of the gospel, a new reason assigned why men should yield obedience to the Lord.
It is found in these words: "For the hour of His judgment is come." (Rev. 14:7)
This first angel's message does not say the judgment is coming, but "the hour [period] of His judgment is come."