Thursday, July 9, 2020

IN the NEWS - Wicked Hearts Raided by the Feds

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9

"The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing ....Federal agents in hazmat suits raided a church in Florida, and confiscated 22 gallons of a toxic concoction the church was marketing as a cure for Covid-19.
The ‘Miracle Mineral Solution’ is in fact a potent industrial bleach.
Agents raided the church on Wednesday, making off with a sizable haul of industrial chemicals. According to ABC7 News, local and federal crews found 50 gallons of muriatic acid and 8,300 pounds of sodium chloride, as well as 22 gallons of the finished ‘Miracle Mineral Solution’ (MMS). 

The raid followed a Food and Drug Administration injunction against the church in April, which ordered its website to be taken down and its supplies of the “dangerous and potentially life threatening” liquid destroyed.
The church solicits donations from its customers, offering them the corrosive sacrament in return, which it claims can cure Covid-19.
Training courses, which instruct believers in the administration of MMS, also help the church turn a tidy profit, as do its membership cards, which supposedly offer the congregation exemption from “vaccinations, medications, X-rays, scans, [and] implants.”