Thursday, July 23, 2020

IN the NEWS - When the Street Mob goes Mob on the Home Front

"A photograph of a man kneeling on the neck of a white baby while another person holds the diapered child’s arms is stirring up a massive amount of rage on social media.

The shocking and disturbing photograph, which was captioned by the abusers as “Blm now mf”.

The paternal grandmother of the child wrote on Facebook that the photo was taken two days ago while the two-year-old was with his mother, who is dating Jackson. She told TGP that her son did not find out about it until yesterday morning.

The grandmother provided us with screenshots of conversations in which the mother attempted to defend the photo when confronted about it, calling the person “ignorant” and claiming that “he wasn’t hurting him.” She also claimed she was not present when the photo was taken.

Child Protective Services is involved and the mother will only be allowed to see the child while the father is present for now. She is not allowed to be alone with him, the grandmother said.

She said that the mother is not normally like this and that she suspects it is because of the people she has been hanging out with.
When I saw the person holding his arms back it made me so much more upset,” she said. “The fact that he was crying, it makes my stomach hurt. He didn’t have anyone there to protect him or stop it.”
For men shall be lovers of their own selves,...Without natural affection...
2 Timothy 2:2,3