Tuesday, July 14, 2020

IN the NEWS - uh oh.....

...for there shall be great distress in the land, ....Men's hearts failing them for fear...
Luke 21:23,26

"Virtually all of us assumed that one way or another eventually most of the population would develop COVID-19 antibodies and that once we got to that point the pandemic would fizzle out. 
Unfortunately, it appears that was not a safe assumption to make.

Yes, those that have had COVID-19 do develop antibodies.
But two new scientific studies have discovered that those antibodies start to fade very, very quickly.
For example, a study that was recently conducted in China found
that more than 90 percent of COVID-19 patients experience steep declines in COVID-19 antibodies “within 2 to 3 months”…

And a very large study that was just conducted in Spain found that some patients that had initially successfully developed antibodies “no longer had antibodies weeks later”…

If antibodies can fade in some patients within weeks, and if just
about everyone loses them after a few months, that would render any vaccine almost completely useless.
And if these findings are confirmed, we can pretty much forget about ever achieving “herd immunity”.

Instead, we are potentially facing a future in which COVID-19 will be with us permanently, and people will need to understand that there is a possibility that they will be able to get infected repeatedly.

If you stop and really think about what all of this means,
 it will chill you to the core.
It means that COVID-19 is never going away.

And every time you get it, the more severe it is likely to be. 
Each time it will do even more permanent damage to your system until it finally finishes you off.
I seriously wish that what I was telling you was not true.

Needless to say, a lot more scientific studies need to be conducted, and hopefully those additional studies will show that the studies that were done in China and Spain were completely wrong."