Sunday, July 26, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia won't Leave Seattle Alone...

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Timothy 3:1
Lucifer, through Antifa, is about to bring total Chaos to the streets as Law and Order Appears to be on the brink of collapse in Seattle.

"The Seattle Police Department announced on Friday that residents and business owners are essentially on their own, after the City Council banned the use of pepper spray and other 'less lethal tools' to disperse crowds.

"Simply put, the legislation gives officers NO ability to safely intercede to preserve property in the midst of a large, violent crowd," reads a letter from Seattle Chief of Police, Carmen Best - who added that thanks to the City Council, "Seattle Police will have an adjusted deployment in response to any demonstrations this weekend."
And in anticipation of violent weekend protests coordinated over social media platforms (which ban conservatives for mean words), Seattle business and police have been boarding up.

Nationwide coordination
The Portland-based Pacific Northwest (PNW) Youth Liberation Front - which describes itself as a "decentralized network of autonomous youth collectives has issued a call to action for other Antifa cells across the country ".