Saturday, July 18, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Stalking Indianapolis

And hath made of one blood all nations of men [in other words ALL LIVES MATTER] for to dwell on all the face of the earth...
Acts 17:26

"BLM Supporters Celebrate Death of Mother Shot Dead For Saying “All Lives Matter”.
BLM supporters flooded a Facebook page belonging to Jessica Doty Whitaker, the young mother who was shot dead for saying “all lives matter,” to celebrate her death.

Yes, really.
Whitaker was killed after she encountered a group of Black Lives Matter supporters while walking along a canal in Indianapolis after a Fourth of July celebration with her fiance and two friends.
During the confrontation, Whitaker said “all lives matter,” prompting the BLM supporters to draw weapons.
Although it initially appeared that the confrontation had been de-escalated, the murderers subsequently shot Whitaker several times before fleeing the scene.
The incident received scant media attention.
Now Black Lives Matter supporters have flooded Whitaker’s Facebook page to justify and celebrate her brutal killing."