Monday, July 27, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Busy this Weekend on Streets of America

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good... 2 Timothy 3:2,3

"Police declared ‘riots’ in Oregon, Washington, California and Virginia---

A Black Lives Matter protester was fatally shot just before 10 p.m. on Saturday during a march in downtown Austin, police said.
While police initially said the protester, identified as Garrett Foster, was armed when he approached a car occupied by a man who
killed him....Police said the suspected gunman was captured and was being interviewed by investigators. The alleged gunman’s name has not been released.

Atlanta, Georgia:
Vandals attacked a federal building housing the local office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the early hours of Sunday morning. The vandalism was allegedly connected to expressions of solidarity with the Portland riots.

Aurora, Colorado:
Rioters attacked a local courthouse and a driver drove through a crowd in Aurora, injuring several people. One demonstrator fired a weapon at the driver, according to police, and hit another demonstrator. The rioters set several fires.

Los Angeles, California:
Demonstrators smashed plate-glass windows at federal buildings and blocked traffic in downtown Los Angeles, one day after Mayor Eric Garcetti had reiterated his solidarity with the demonstrations in Portland, despite ongoing violence there.

New York, New York:
Thousands marched in New York City in solidarity with the
Portland demonstrators. There were violent clashes with police as demonstrators attacked NYPD vehicles and scuffled with police officers in the streets. As the night wound on, fires were lit in several street-corner garbage cans, part of a surreal scene that played out as protesters, cops and everyday New Yorkers dining out at restaurants’ outdoor patios crossed paths.
F–k you, pigs!” one demonstrator could be heard screaming at lines of riot gear-equipped cops in one moment captured on video.

Oakland, California:
Demonstrations turned violent as rioters attacked police; smashed windows at federal buildings and a bank; and fired fireworks at law enforcement. Marchers held signs such as “Abolish the Police.”

Portland, Oregon:
Violent demonstrations continued at the Mark O.Hatfield U.S. Courthouse as rioters set fires and provoked clashes with federal law enforcement, who fired tear gas and left the courthouse itself in pursuit of rioters to disperse the crowd.

Seattle, Washington:
Police arrested 45 rioters on Saturday in the Capitol Hill neighborhood near the site of the former CHOP autonomous zones rioters threw explosives at law enforcement. Several businesses and public buildings were also vandalized.

Chicago, Illinois:
Fifty-nine people were shot, three fatally, over the weekend in
Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

Richmond, Virginia:
Richmond police used chemical agents to disperse a large group of protesters that had made their way from Monroe Park to Richmond Police Headquarters Saturday night.
Police say several hundred people were in a group that was setting fires, breaking windows, vandalizing and blocking traffic throughout the city.
According to police, an unlawful assembly was declared shortly after 11 p.m. when officers were attacked with rocks, batteries and other objects.

Louisville, Kentucky:
Gunshots erupted during a planned protest in Louisville, Ky., Saturday and three members of the heavily armed militia group, the “Not F—ing Around Coalition” (NFAC), were injured by shots fired from one of their own member’s guns, police told Fox News.

Memphis, Tennessee:
A Memphis mini-golf center descended into chaos when 300 to 400 teenagers began destroying the place after problems with some of the complex’s games machines.
It immediately resulted in riot-like scenes as one teenage girl grabbed a plexiglass screen from the counter and hurled it at staff gathered behind."

Antifa militant and convicted pedophile Blake David Hampe was arrested in the early hours of Saturday following his alleged stabbing of a black Trump supporter in Portland.
The Trump supporter and conservative, who goes by the name Black Rebel on social media, posted several updates to his condition from the ambulance and hospital. In the Periscope livestream, he alleged that Hampe had stalked him and his group of friends for several blocks in Portland before stabbing him.
Black Rebel stated that Antifa militants doxed his identity and posted his location on social media and advised each other to “watch out” for him.
“That knife was long enough. He stabbed me to kill me,” said Black Rebel, who says that he spotted Hampe, who was part of a group of Antifa following his group of friends for several blocks before he approached Hampe to ask why he was following them."