Monday, July 6, 2020

IN the NEWS - POX on Both their Houses (KKK & BLM)

Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men.
Psalm 59:2

a pox on used to express anger or intense irritation with someone or something.
"a pox on both their houses!"
The NFAC is an offshoot of Black Lives Matter. I've said these groups are the Democrat's
Paramilitary units flooding the streets of America...well turns out that's correct....Literally....
POX on both houses-both the racists of Black Lives Matter & NFAC as well as those of the KKK and White Supremacists.
Dirty little secret to those not from America--despite what you hear the Klan and White Supremacists are a very, very tiny fringe group in the U.S. and have no actual power. ...but some do exist and this kind of nonsense by NFAC is what could trigger a real senseless, bloodshed.
"We're In Your House. Let's Go."
 - Black Armed Protesters Challenge White Militia At Confederate Monument

"Listen to Not F**king Around Coalition's (NFAC) leader Grand Master Jay describing his group's overall mission: 
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The group, known as Not F**king Around Coalition (NFAC),
marched through Stone Mountain Park near Atlanta on Independence Day, calling out white militias, along with protesting one of the largest Confederate monuments in the country.

Hundreds of heavily armed NFAC members, predominantly African Americans, were seen dressed in black combat gear with military-style rifles - marched up a road in the park in two columns.

Another video shows the group coming to a stop on the road with an unidentified man shouting into a loudspeaker challenging white militias.
"I don't see no white militia," he declared. "We're here.
Where ... you at? We're in your house. Let's go."