Wednesday, July 1, 2020

IN the NEWS - Oh the Irony (French Revolution Redux...complete with Guillotines)

Oh the Irony----Bezos of Amazon has been a supporter of these Leftist Mobs (Democrat Party Paramilitary Units unleashed on the streets of America) as he ran a banner on that said "black lives matter" and publicly chastising customers who suggested it read "all lives matter".....
yet he still isn't woke enough, apparently because of his wealth.
They even go all FRENCH REVOLUTION using a copy of a Guillotine outside his house.
The Prince of Persia's own eat their own....Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked... 1 Samuel 24:13

".....activists on Sunday set up a guillotine in front of Amazon
CEO Jeff Bezos’s Washington, D.C. home, and demanded that Amazon be “abolished.”
In video shot by Drew Hernandez, host of the hit web show “Lives Matter”, one of the protesters can be heard over a bullhorn: “When they become threatened, and we have no voice, the knives come out.”
Who is “they” and who is “we”? And what about those “knives coming out”? Although the guillotine does add a certain panache to the protest."