Tuesday, July 21, 2020

IN the NEWS - Lesson from a "Christian" Podcast

Some of the Lessons from this podcast were:
1) The Influence on young people of LGBT nonsense in the Entertainment (and likely Social Media) arena.
2) The Dangers of  hard hearted "Christians" who sell out their God on LGBT topics presenting Scripture as having "Various" "Persepctives" thereby confusing the young searching God's Word on the Internet.
3) The fulfillment of Romans 1:32 on even the Home Front.

"The podcast episode is raw and heartbreaking. Jen Hatmaker, a
popular author and speaker, invited her daughter Sydney to discuss her homosexuality and spirituality. The open discussion was part of a special “A Moment of Pride” series on Hatmaker’s “For the Love” podcast.
This is like a known fact in our family, and has been,” Hatmaker prefaced the podcast.
Sydney speaks of recognizing she was lesbian around 12 years old (12 years old!), having pretend crushes on boys, and finally understanding her sexuality thanks to “representation of gay people just in movies and stuff.”

She admits to struggling with confusion and, quite sadly, doing her
own comprehensive Bible study to understand varying perspectives.

Sydney explained, “I just remember trying to Google it, and one of the first resources that I found was just this person talking about various Christian perspectives on same-sex marriage. And they were kind of providing some different leaders who had said different things on it.”
The article mentioned those who were “loving, but unaffirming” and then linked to an article written by Jen Hatmaker at the time. Sydney said, after that moment, “I didn’t touch a Bible for years.”

Towards the end of the podcast, Hatmaker says that among her greatest regrets is not reconciling homosexuality and Christianity sooner. In her own words:
So, it will just always be my greatest sadness that Dad and I
did not do our own work early enough so that you felt safe and beloved in your own family—or that we didn’t do our work in front of you even, that that was not something that we were talking about. He and I were, but we weren’t talking deeply about what we were learning and processing in front of you, and thus left you alone, and vulnerable, and scared. And I am so sorry. And I’m so sad. And if I could go back, I would change it. I would shake myself to life before you were even born, shake some sense into me. Like, ‘Look at this, look at what this is causing. Just look around, use your eyes, use your ears, use your brain, and use your heart.'”
I would not change one molecule of you, not one. I’m so glad you’re gay, I’m so proud that you are free. I love that this is how you were made. I’m thrilled about your future,” Hatmaker concluded.

The words of Romans 1:32 are striking. “Though they know
God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.”