Saturday, July 4, 2020

IN the NEWS - IRONY of the Nonsense

As the Insanity and Nonsense of tearing down historical statues continues---the IRONY of wanting to tear down Constantine's statue is that many of these people, we are told in Scripture, will follow Constantine's idea of Sunday Sacredness in the near future...of course these specific people could be the types to do it in the name of setting aside a day to reduce our so-called carbon footprint. BUT Regardless as to why or how---many will do it.
"The statue of a Roman Emperor outside York Minster because he ended the persecution of Christians could be torn down after a review into whether it celebrates slavery.

Emperor Constantine's likeness has been in the south side of the cathedral for over 20 years but is now under the spotlight.
York Minster is looking into the statue after receiving complaints the Roman leader supported slavery.
It comes in the wake of the Most Rev Justin Welby saying last week said that statues in Canterbury Cathedral and Westminster Abbey would be looked at 'very carefully' to see if they should stay.
He spoke out amid Black Lives Matter protests that saw the sculpture of slave Edward Colston brought to the ground in Bristol earlier this month.
A spokesman for York Minster told the Telegraph: 'The Cathedrals Fabric Commission is developing national guidance for churches and cathedrals about how to respond to concerns about their statues and monuments."