Saturday, July 25, 2020

IN the NEWS - From Hurricanes to "Aliens"?

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Luke 21:25

There are 3, maybe 4, instances of the seas roaring this week.

Hurricanes in and of themselves are not a sign of the end times.
We've had hurricanes throughout history.
Rather the amount during this time--and the fodder they provide for the eco-fascists to falsely claim it's due to "climate change" is what to keep an eye on in the big picture of they clamor for reducing our so-called "carbon footprint" --some in the recent past have pushed for setting aside a day to let mother earth "rest"--Pope Francis included.

Now for the NONSENSE of Aliens to Scare the Public..IF and only IF they have some announcement in the near future on the topic what will be the motive of the powers that be? What are they up to?
"The once-covert UFO unit, which operates within the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence, will soon begin giving regular biannual updates on its research to the U.S. Senate’s Intelligence Committee, reports The New York Times.

Luis Elizondo, a former military intelligence official who headed the Pentagon program, resigned in October 2017 after a decade with the program.
Elizondo, along with a group of former government scientists and officials, remain convinced that objects of unkown origin have crashed on Earth and that these apparently extraterrestrial materials have been the focus of research.
However, some of the retrieved objects such as strange metallic debris were identified as being manmade – raising the possibility that they could be related to the military of U.S. rivals such as China or Russia.
However, astrophysicist Eric Davis – who served as an advisor for the Pentagon program since 2007 – said that he had briefed the Pentagon in March about material retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”
The Department of Defense subcontractor also said that he had concluded that the objects found were of the type “we couldn’t make … ourselves.”
Finally, all of this oddness sparked an interesting question from Mike Krieger