Friday, July 24, 2020

IN the NEW - "Earth’s Malaise"?

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel... Galatians 1:6

"The Vatican released a document for church faithful with reflections on COVID-19 with the wordy title ” Useful information on the Document of the Pontifical Academy for Life: Humana Communitas in the age of pandemic: untimely meditations on life’s rebirth.”

The work, which is stretched out over 4000 words, does not mention Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, the Church, prayer, or Christian, making one question how “useful” it would actually be to the believer.

But the most interesting part, which is par for the course, is that the Vatican bases the pandemic on humans monkeying about with mother nature and the environment, writing:

The Covid-19 epidemic has much to do with our
depredation of the earth and the despoiling of its intrinsic value. It is a symptom of our earth’s malaise and our failure to care; more, a sign of our own spiritual malaise (Laudato Si’, n. 119). Will we be able to remedy the fracture that has separated us from our natural world, too often turning our assertive subjectivities into a menace to creation, a menace to one another?
Let us know when the Vatican and Pope Francis offer some reflections and hope that actually involve Jesus and the gospel."