Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Creation Moment 7/30/2020 - Keeping It Real About Creation

"There are two fundamental questions:
  • Has God definitively spoken?
  • If so, are the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments a record of that definitive revelation—as the historic Christian faith has always affirmed?
To both these questions, of course, the Bible writers give an unequivocal ‘Yes’.

Analogous modern deception manifests itself in false claims and beliefs about science. Science is a method—just a method. But it has been manipulated into a godless philosophy.

The rediscovery at the Reformation of the God of the Bible (the
true God) encouraged the view that, if God is the Supreme Mind, the Supreme Reasoner, then he must have created a rational world. --Mankind is made in God’s image, and therefore has the capacity to study the natural world around him and apply that knowledge, albeit his mind is now imperfect.
Of itself, there was nothing original about this, The Bible affirms that God created all things by his Wisdom—indeed, through his Son, who is the Logos.

Creation was through the Son of God, the Eternal Logos, who became man. It was by God’s spoken fiat (‘fia t’, Latin for ‘let it be’: God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light; Genesis 1:3).
It was ex nihilo, not from pre-existent matter. Matthew Henry, whose father Philip had been one of the ‘Westminster Divines’, took an unequivocal stand here. He wrote that:
Nothing is more injurious to the honor of the Eternal Mind, than the supposition of eternal matter.”
--Death was introduced by God into a perfect world as a penalty for Adam’s sin and as a part of the curse.
--The universal character of the curse, the subjection of the whole universe to mataiotēs, ‘futility’, along with its future restoration, described as the freedom of the glory of the children of God, is unambiguously affirmed by the apostle Paul (Romans 8:21).
--And the universal character of the Flood, which destroyed the whole World, is made unmistakably plain in Genesis (all the high mountains were covered to depth of fifteen cubits) and by Peter (the world that then existed was deluged with water, 2 Peter 3:6)."