Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Creation Moment 7/2/2020 - Titan's Movement says....

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God...
Hebrews 11:3

"A recent news release from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) announces that new examination of the data from the late Cassini spacecraft indicates that Saturn’s moon Titan is moving away from the planet at a higher rate than previously thought.

What are the implications of the fact that the moon is moving away?

Scientists thought they knew the rate at which the giant moon Titan is moving away from Saturn, but they recently made a surprising discovery: Using data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, they found Titan drifting a hundred times faster than previously understood – about 4 inches per year.

The article goes on to comment about the apparent age of the moon Titan (and the rest of the 80 moons). What can be determined (or at least inferred) by this movement?  The article states that this has caused questions about the age of the moons. The article states some basics:
The findings may help address an age-old question. While scientists know that Saturn formed 4.6 billion years ago in
the early days of the solar system, there’s more uncertainty about when the planet’s rings and its system of more than 80 moons formed. Titan is currently 759,000 miles (1.2 million kilometers) from Saturn. The revised rate of its drift suggests that the moon started out much closer to Saturn, which would mean the whole system expanded more quickly than previously believed.
First, the statement is made that “scientists know that Saturn formed 4.6 billion years ago.”
They know? Really? Based on what real information do they know?
However, the point is what does it suggest, knowing that Titan is moving away from Saturn at a certain rate?

Titan moves outward at four inches a year. It seems hardly a significant amount, considering that Titan is presently 759,000 miles away from its host planet.

However, let’s look at these four inches on a cosmic time scale.
Four inches a year is 0.0063 miles a century. That computes to 6,300 miles each million years. In 100 million years, assuming the drift rate stayed at the present rate, the movement would be 630,000 miles, which would place the moon pretty close to Saturn. 
And 100 million years is miniscule compared to the claimed age of Saturn of 4.6 billion years.

So, this calls into question again – about the age of the universe and all that is within it. 
If Titan and Saturn were created at the same time as the earth, Titan sure would not have moved much since that event. And the way they were created would result in the slow drift apart."