Monday, July 20, 2020

Creation Moment 7/21/2020 - TOI-1728b

NOTICE--all these exo-planets are unique in their own if specially DESIGNED...Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God... Hebrews 11:3

"....astronomers have discovered and confirmed a warm super-
Neptune orbiting the red dwarf TOI-1728.....TOI-1728 is an inactive M0-type star located 198 light-years away in the large northern constellation of Camelopardalis.
Also cataloged as TIC 285048486 and UCAC4 774-029023, the star is smaller and less massive than the Sun and is 7.1 billion years old.
TOI-1728b is the largest transiting super-Neptune around an M-dwarf host."