Sunday, June 7, 2020

The 4 Stages & EndTimes?

Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:26

Could these 4 Stages, being used by the Radical left today be used for the End as well?

Could Christians, due to natural calamities (including pandemic & unrest) join forces? -- Christian Right (Republican) Black Protestant (Democrat) Jesuit clergy (Democrat) other Catholic Clergy (more evenly divided) and Mainline Protestants (Clergy lean Democrat but the pews are more divided). Could they Repeat--in a short time--these 4 Stages?
As Leftist Bullies-both in the streets and in cyberspace-bully people into taking a symbolic knee to show submission to their worldview--could this be repeated to take a knee shall we say --to the Papacy?...add a little Ladauto Si for setting aside a day for Mother Earth to rest for broader appeal and...well you know what would be next...

"Progressive” ideology always rests on a conviction that the current “regressive” system is comprehensively unjust and must be destroyed by exploiting its weaknesses.

The most famous proponent of such tactics in recent years has been the late Saul Alinksy, the intellectual godfather of the modern Democrat Party, but former Soviet journalist and KGB informant Yuri Bezmenov laid out an even more concise strategy for subversion in a 1984 interview.

Alinksy’s seminal book specified 13 Rules for Radicals, but
Bezmenov had only four “stages of ideological subversion,” and they will sound very familiar to anyone following the current wave of left-wing riots, or the politicized final stages of the coronavirus panic before it: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization.

Bezmenov defined ideological subversion, or “active measures” as the KGB preferred to call it, as a “slow brainwashing process” to “change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite their abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”

Stage 1: Demoralization
Bezmenov said the first stage, Demoralization, could take 15 to 20

years to complete because “this is the minimum number of years it takes to educate one generation of students.”
Marxist-Leninist ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism,” he warned in 1984, judging that the demoralization process had been “basically completed” by that point.

Stage 2: Destabilization
The second stage, Destabilization, is much faster, requiring only two to five years under KGB doctrine. In this stage, the
fundamentals of the targeted population’s economy, political system, and culture would be attacked, while the demoralized population could not mount much of a defense. 
Bezmenov in 1984 found it “absolutely fantastic” how much influence Marxist-Leninist ideas had developed in the American economy and military. In essence, a demoralized population becomes willing to believe the worst criticisms of its own society, while learning to see defenders of that society as their enemies, while avowed enemies become natural allies. The defenders are held to strict standards, while anything goes for the most strident critics. 
Stage 3: Crisis
Once a society has been destabilized, Bezmenov said the time
would be ripe to create a Crisis, which he estimated would take six to eight weeks in the Eighties. With turbo Internet speed, the modern era can punch out a crisis much faster than that.
A crisis has the obvious benefit of panicking demoralized, destabilized people into abandoning their legal protections and constitutional ideals.
During the coronavirus panic, people who brought up those ideals were treated like lunatics. The pendulum swung the other way with blinding speed during the riots. In the span of one week, the right to peaceable assembly went from a crazed defiance of common-sense lockdown rules to an urgent matter that utterly transcended the deadly pandemic.
*Suddenly, angry political demonstration magically cured the coronavirus, or made the projected wave of sickness and death into a purely secondary concern.
--If you wanted to work at the store so you could feed your family in late March, you were selfishly trying to “kill my Grandma to pad your bank account.”
--If you wanted to burn the store down in early June to protest white supremacy, nobody mentioned their imperiled grandmothers.
Stage 4: Normalization
After a crisis, with a violent change of the power structure and
economy, you have a so-called period of Normalization that may last indefinitely,” Bezmenov said, arriving at the fourth stage of subversion.
Normalization is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda,” he explained. Interestingly, it also happens to be the core theme of the 2020 Democrat presidential campaign."