Tuesday, June 9, 2020

SDA Issues - Time for Linrud to Resign?

SDA Oregon Conference President Dan Linrud is trying to push the Church into embracing Leftist
Political Activism by joining groups in the streets.
These groups include those that no Christian should be involved with like Black Lives Matter based on fanning hate and the Racial divide since it's inception (If one can't say ALL LIVES MATTER PERIOD, then YOU are part of the Problem ..And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth... Acts 17:26), the Occupy Movement dedicated to class warfare and hate based on class (involving one self with those who espouse jealousy of what others have is, well, not Christian... Thou shalt not covet..Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have.. Ex. 20:17/Heb. 13:5), or ANTIFA which is based on simple anarchy and toppling the system (Why follow and align with the bitter? Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.. Heb. 12:14,15).

Based on Linrud's Post in the Gleaner Now one can deduce the following:
1) He uses the word "Radical" several times including the "radical young Nazarene". The word "Radical" crept into Christianity's Lexicon in the 80's and early 90's from Christian New-Age. This is well documented.
CHRIST ISN'T RADICAL. HE IS GOD. WE ARE THE RADICALS WHO HAVE ALL SINNED. This "Radical" referencing of God is rather flippant - sort of like calling Him "the Man upstairs" or something.
THE POINT? It tells one of what Spiritual Swamps Linrud has been imbibing on in the Pacific Northwest.

2) He Hides behind the "Youth" as an excuse for his actions, for instance stating "this crowd is primarily between the ages of 15-30. They represent the demographic that the church bemoans as lacking commitment and passion because they are nearly absent from our churches’ pews. But HERE. THEY. WERE! THEY. SHOWED. UP."
Many in the Church who want to lower Church standards or tweak the Doctrines always play this "youth" card as a reason.
THE POINT? Rather than hold up the Biblical Gospel, warning of the 3 Angels' Messages or the Beauty of the outlay of the Sanctuary Doctrine and it's meaning--he wants to attract the youth by engaging in a movement started by bitter, racist transgender activists--a movement fostered through the fingers of the Prince of Persia literally (as these other groups were).

3) He eludes to Winking at the Violence. He states for instance "For Jesus, this meant making very public, disruptive stands against injustice...Jesus’ most radical act of protest was also not so peaceful." Anyone one with a brain knows what he is subtly suggesting. SHAME ON LINRUD.
THE POINT? Points 2 & 3 stem from Point 1.