Tuesday, June 23, 2020

SDA Issues - OVID Case Study of "Liberal" Movements

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15

By uniting with the world and partaking of its spirit, they have come to view matters in nearly the same light; and when the test is brought, they are prepared to choose the easy, popular side” (Great Controversy, p. 608).

"Why would we align ourselves with anti-Biblical movements?
One would think that Seventh-day Adventists would resist the
social upheaval of the LGBT+ agenda, feminism and ecumenism.  
These godless, liberal movements are determined to destroy Adventism. Instead of standing against this assault on our faith, feeble leaders would rather join the chorus of the anti-religious revolution.

News.Advventist.it is the official news source for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Italy. News.Advventist.it is owned and operated by the Italian Union of Seventh-day Adventist Churches. On May 6, 2020, they published a story promoting the pro-feminist, pro-LGBT+ and pro-ecumenical organization called the Interreligious Observatory on Violence Against Woman (OIVD).

The OIVD not only raises awareness on the issue of violence against women, but they also advocate for feminism and the LGBT+ movement.

Take a look at what the OIVD says on its website in the #ChurchToo section. The parenthesis in the quote below is in the original:
We are indeed Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Christian (Pentecostal, Lutheran, Adventist, Methodist, Waldensian, Baptist, Orthodox and Catholic) and Muslim. During the
ceremony in which we were born in the world with a loud and official voice, each woman of the constituent group made a symbolic gesture: she delivered her unique color flower to a girl who collected them, with bitter grace. With the gesture we united in a polychrome bouquet of flowers our desires for peace and justice and we gave them to her who was the body of our beings, who are different and will talk to each other starting from their own diversity, in a desire to give body to a living practice of feminist theology of interreligious dialogue.
With regard to ecumenism, the OIVD says that they have two objectives. OVID was not only organized to end violence against women. In its “Goals” Section, No. 2, it says that they have been organized to “promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue”.

The more we lower our standard of truth and the more we send our leaders to become the heads of these ecumenical entities, the faster we will abandon the commandments of God and recant the distinguishing truths of the faith, and return with them to Babylon. As we read: “The adoption of liberal ideas on its part (Protestants) will bring it where it can clasp the hand of Catholicism” (Last Day Events, p. 130).

We are promoting liberal causes instead of the Three Angels’ Message. A pro-abortion, pro-LGBT+, pro-feminist and pro-ecumenical revolution is turning our schools and churches into secularized establishments.
The existence of these liberal and secular developments within Adventism are designed to neutralize the unique messages of our faith."