Saturday, June 13, 2020


Andrews University recently held a BLM rally.
The QUESTION: Will they also attend the CHAZ BLOCK PARTY in Seattle under the local warlord there?
How far are they willing to go? Seriously...

By associating with a group formed from the fingers of the Prince of Persia, that forments anger, lawlessness, false narratives and other secular positions a Christian can't support---how deep will they be drug into this?
Shame on Andrews faculty for fostering this nonsense.
The only position of any Christian on this should be ALL LIVES MATTER.
If that offends you--you are part of the problem.

As for the CHAZ BLOCK PARTY in Seattle---here is a quote from someone we will keep anonymous for their own safety over at Fulcrum7---
"Unfortunately, these tormented individuals
--are pushing on the membrane that separates civility (the rule of law)
--from anarchy
--and they are likely to break through into a godless, lawless vacuum--resulting in war."
And all the people said, Amen... 1 Chronicles 16:36

BTW, For those of you who don't know what the CHAZ BLOCK PARTY in Seattle is--allow ZeroHedge to explain--

"Protesters in Seattle decided that they were going to give us a
living, breathing example of how the world should really operate. 
The police were completely kicked out of a six block area of downtown Seattle, and armed guards were posted at all the entrances to the “Capital Hill Autonomous Zone” in order to make sure that their “utopia” would not be interrupted. 
At first, people were dancing and singing in the streets, free food was being passed out to everyone, gardens were being started, and free movies were being played at night under the stars. 
It was such a glorious beginning for “CHAZ”, but within hours major problems began to develop.
Left-wing extremists then complained that homeless people had taken all their food and requested that people make donations of soy food products.
In addition to a looming food shortage, residents of CHAZ are also dealing with a leadership crisis.  Now that all the police are gone, it was just a matter of time before someone else took charge, and the person that has taken charge is a “heavily-armed” rapper named Raz Simone…
Somehow Simone was able to get his hands on an AK-47, and even
though we keep being told that these are “peaceful protests”, Simone has told those under his command that what they are facing “is war”…
Simone, a local rapper with an AK-47 slung from his shoulder and a pistol attached to his hip, screamed, “This is war!” into a white-and-red megaphone and instructed armed paramilitaries to guard the barricades in shifts.
Before this stunt, hardly anyone had ever heard of Raz Simone, and I suppose that this is one way to make a name for yourself and sell a lot of records.
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan then appeared on CNN with Chris Cuomo and declared that the occupation could lead to a “summer of love.”"