Monday, June 1, 2020

Principalities of Darkness SERIES: "Your Mother"

The opponent of God began this WAR with God...and it literally is a WAR. The level of Hate the opponent of God has for his Creator knows no bounds.

For Example, for nearly 2 millennia he has got people among Catholics, Orthodox and some Anglicans to daily remind Christ of His dead mother by sending up prayers to the dead Mary.
In other words, it's Lucifer's way of saying to Christ - "YOUR MOTHER".
We on earth all know what it means when a dude says it to another dude--and in this case it's no different as Lucifer says it to Christ daily through prayers of naïve Christians.

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels...
Revelation 12:7