Tuesday, June 23, 2020

IN the NEWS - YouTube's Hate for Gen.1:27

...male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27

"YouTube has censored a man who once identified as transgender for so-called hate speech because he expressed an opinion about gender dysphoria and transgender ideology that the tech giant doesn't agree with.

Walt Heyer, the founder of Sex Change Regret, was part of a Heritage Foundation panel last October, where he detailed his experiences with taking hormones and undergoing body-altering surgery to look more like a woman. During the panel discussion at the think-tank's "Summit on Protecting Children from Sexualization," Heyer said that in the eight years he lived as a woman, he learned that while he could change his appearance, sex is an immutable characteristic.

YouTube users flagged Heyer's remarks as offensive, and the Heritage Foundation's video was taken down. In an emailed statement to The Federalist on Friday, the video streaming platform explained why it was removed, saying, "Our hate speech policy prohibits videos which assert that someone's sexuality or gender identity is a disease or a mental illness. We quickly remove videos violating our policies when flagged by our users."

YouTube also objected to Heyer's statement that individuals are
"not born transgender" and that gender dysphoria is "a childhood developmental disorder that adults are perpetrating on our young people today, and our schools are complicit in this."
"I stand before you with a mutilated body, with a life that was destroyed in many ways, redeemed by Christ certainly, but destroyed because I was affirmed and told how cute I look, how wonderful it was. And I went to a gender therapist who said, ''All you need to do is have hormones and reassignment surgery," Heyer said last fall, as seen in a new footage Heritage republished Friday featuring a new introduction highlighting YouTube's censorship of Heyer's comments."