Saturday, June 27, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia's Stalking the Streets Leads to a 2nd Wave of Covid-19

The Prince of Persia's Stalking the Streets with mobs of Antifa, BLM, Occupy Movement, so-called Social Justice Warriors, Climate Justice Warriors, etc., Leads to a 2nd Wave of Covid-19

"As Andrew Cuomo urges everyone who attended protests in the state to get tested, officials in California, in the Bay Area and LA County and the surrounding area, have warned that the protests have contributed to the increase in daily confirmed infection totals seen in recent weeks.

Now, less than a day after San Francisco mayor said she would put plans to ease more restrictions Monday on hold following a concerning uptick in new infections, Philadelphia city officials on Saturday have just warned that they are considering a similar delay, which would postpone the move into the "green phase" of the city's reopening.

Though the state of PA reported just 600 new cases on Friday, the mayor of Philadelphia announced yesterday that he would require masks to be worn inside all public buildings, and during large crowds when outside.

After weeks of progress and lowering numbers, there’s an uptick in cases, which is not related to the increased testing, but to young people - including a surprising number of teenagers - attending "social events".

It's almost as if allowing large crowds of people to gather night after night in violation of social distancing restrictions might have helped contribute to this 'second wave' that we're seeing unfold across the US."
For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers.... Titus 1:10