Monday, June 15, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Stalking our Thin Blue Line

Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:
Luke 21:26
The Prince of Persia is stalking the very glue of civilization - the Thin Blue Line that upholds the Rule of Law--without it we would be in TOTAL CHAOS...just as the Prince of Persia wants for the 2nd beast power to descend into so as to not fulfill it's Prophetic Destiny...ah, but could this actually feed into that destiny?

"The thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted every day is rapidly disintegrating, and all that stands between us and complete anarchy is a very narrow blue line.

In 2020, the entire profession has become the target for a vast nationwide outpouring of anger and hatred.
It doesn’t matter if you are a good officer or a bad officer, because everyone is being lumped together.
All over the U.S., police officers are being attacked, abused and targeted for violence.

For example, down in Florida we just witnessed an entire 10 person SWAT team resign after the police chief “knelt with racial justice
protesters”… “at least seven Minneapolis police officers” have already quit since George’s Floyd’s death, and “more than half a dozen are in the process of leaving”… 57 members of one unit in Buffalo, New York recently reached that point simultaneously… All 57 members of a police tactical unit in Buffalo, New York, have resigned from that team to protest the suspension of two colleagues who were filmed shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground, local media reported on Friday...Tulsa, Oklahoma police chief Travis Yates made some very alarming statements during a recent interview with Tucker Carlson.  According to Yates, “every officer you talk to is looking to leave”… Hallandale Beach SWAT team resigns en masse..."