Sunday, June 28, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Rocks Netherlands

...and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia...  Daniel 10:20

"Up to 150 ‘young people’ wreaked havoc in the Netherlands, tossing bricks and shooting fireworks at police during a riot.
Between 100-150 ‘youths’ - identified by SCEPTR as ‘mostly immigrants’ - trashed the city center in Helmond.

The sidewalks are littered with crushed tomatoes, fallen eggs, empty cans of drinks and bags of crisps. Chunks of wood float in the gutter, in the middle of the Zonnehof lies a brick. The hood of a lamppost hangs at half past six.
The incident comes just days after the head of a Dutch police union expressed concerns the government is "losing their grip on society completely."