Thursday, June 11, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Rocks Streets of Europe with Chant "Run Piggy"

...warn them that are unruly,... 1 Thessalonians 5:14

"Activist groups across the European continent and in the United Kingdom have used the death of Mr. Floyd to stage large scale
protests in clear defiance of national lockdown regulations imposed on regular citizens during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
Leftist groups have taken the opportunity to link instances of police violence in the United States with the situation faced by illegal migrants in Europe. Yet the protests seem to have taken on a life of their own, divorced from the original pretext. As British journalist and author Douglas Murray told the UK’s Talk Radio on Monday:
The protests now are completely divorced from the original issue. Almost everybody I can think of, I have heard from, is united in being horrified by the manner in which George Floyd was killed, by the policeman who detained him. But the death of one man in Minnesota at the hands of one policeman is not a reason for people to — in their thousands — to turn out in cities across the world, certainly across all of Europe… repeatedly day after day.”
Hamburg, Germany saw 47 people arrested for breaching the peace and some for violating the Explosives Act.

In Paris — the city that birthed violent left-wing radicalism during the French Revolution in the late 1700s — an estimated 20,000
Black Lives Matter protesters took to the streets.
As is typical in the French capital, the protests quickly turned violent, with demonstrators setting fires in the streets, attacking a police station, and injuring officers.

In Madrid, thousands gathered outside the United States embassy on Sunday,...The demonstrators again attempted to link instances of police brutality in the United States with the conditions illegal migrants face in Europe, with chants of “the immigration law kills people every day” heard throughout the Spanish capital.

In Gothenburg, Sweden riots broke out during a Black Lives Matter protest and thugs took to shattering glass window storefronts and looting valuables.
Footage of the riots were widely shared on social media, with one clip allegedly showing a group of men attacking a moving van of a Swedish family and destroying their possessions.
The protests in Gothenburg followed similar demonstrations in the multicultural city of Malmö and the Swedish capital of Stockholm. During the Stockholm protest, a female officer was pictured taking a knee in front of activists, parroting similar moves by law enforcement in the United States.

Brussels, the home of the institutions and headquarters of the
European Union, which often touts its credentials as a racially tolerant institution, was not spared from the riots ravaging European nations over the death of George Floyd.
At least 150 people were arrested during the rioting that ensued from the Black Lives Matter protest. Thugs were witnessed setting fires, breaking windows, and looting stores in the racially diverse Matonge area of the city.

Activists vandalized London with Black Lives Matter graffiti and defaced national monuments including statues of Sir Winston
Churchill and Abraham Lincoln, as well as the Cenotaph, the United Kingdom’s national war memorial, where protesters were filmed attempting to burn the British flag.
On Sunday, police in London were chased through the streets by the left-wing radicals who chanted “run, piggy” as they pelted officers with makeshift missiles.
There have also been calls from self-proclaimed ‘radicals’ to defund the British police, as has been floated by leftist activists and politicians in the United States."