Monday, June 22, 2020

IN the NEWS - France: Green Fascism to be part of Constitution?

HERE -WE-GO.....the Green Nazism in France now want to CRIMINALIZE (as part of their  Constitution) things relating to the environment. You've been warned just how extreme this movement is and hostile towards freedoms.
What exactly would classified as "ecocide"? What are the penalties?
I GURANTEE they will get around to include speaking out in dissent on so-called man made climate change--as Obama tried to prosecute people for opposition to it in the public arena his last half a year in office.
NOW--place this extreme environmental Nonsense in the context of part of the demand to reduce our so-called carbon footprint as part of the counterfeit Sabbath, mark of the beast. These people are more than happy to use the powers of government to snuff out all dissent.

"After nine months of deliberations, a citizens’ council set up by French President Emmanuel Macron to explore measures for
cutting carbon emissions urged the French leader on Sunday to hold referendums on adding environmental protection to the Constitution and making the destruction of nature a crime.
But the council rejected the idea of a referendum on individual measures, with the exception of two: introducing the idea of environment protection, biodiversity and the fight against climate change into the preamble to Article 1 of the Constitution, and the establishment of “ecocide” as a crime under French law that would include punishing serious offences against the environment.
Borne said on Monday “Given the ecological and climatic emergency, we cannot respond to the challenge with small measures,” she said on BFMTV. “We need strong measures, and in order to adopt strong measures we must ensure that we have the support of the French,” she added.
Greenpeace hailed the proposals as a “first step towards a necessary radical change in our societies” while warning that a "mere symbolic response to the convention’s work would be a democratic disaster”.
Q: Will the Counterfeit Sabbath be tinted with Green when it happens?
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Revelation 13:15