Monday, June 8, 2020

GroupThink Case Study BEFORE YOUR EYES

Take this article from ZeroHedge and repeat the mind-numb Groupthink it lays out, repeating itself with the Mark of the Beast. Picture the world drunk on Global Green Heresy during "Crises" and monitoring your views backed and enforced by social media.
See how easy it is for GroupThink to Grip people with Insanity such as city councils (Minneapolis) voting to do away with Police and white Christians, who did nothing wrong, bowing physically to blacks.
Picture people bowing to the Image of the Beast during crises.

"Behind their convenient COVID-19 masks, people were able to disguise their shame and unloose their inner demons.....
That’s what happened in America last week when mob violence replaced police as the standard of authority.
White Christians Bow Before Black Christians

When you saw people taking a knee to prostrate themselves before looters and to renounce their “white privilege,” you also saw parallels to Mao’s Cultural Revolution and Hitler’s Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass.

The Cultural Revolution began with an attack on the old order, the
old “privilege” represented by shop owners and college professors. To avoid the mob’s rage, the victims were forced to humiliate themselves publicly and to utter self-denunciations, to confess their “crimes” against the mob’s ideology. But there was no escaping the demented wrath of the self-anointed protectors of virtue. Eventually millions of those intellectuals and entrepreneurs were put to death — sometimes buried up to their necks so that they could continue to abase themselves until their final breath.

Kristallnacht is the name given to a pogram carried out against
Antifa--Brownshirts of Modern Left
Jewish shops, homes, cemeteries and synagogues in November 1938 by Nazi paramilitaries known as Brownshirts. They were an exact parallel of the black-garbed stormtroopers that ravaged neighborhoods in dozens of U.S. cities the last 10 days or so. Don’t let the name Antifa fool you. These “anti-fascists” have adopted the tactics of the fascists as their own (and even the uniform of the Italian Blackshirts).

The words that journalist Hugh Greene wrote about Kristallnacht in 1938 could just as easily have been written today about the riots that followed the murder of George Floyd:

Police Chief Prostrate Before Mob
Mob law ruled … throughout this afternoon and evening, and hordes of hooligans indulged in an orgy of destruction. ... Racial hatred and hysteria seemed to have taken complete hold of otherwise decent people.”
You could make the case that the riots last week represented only a fraction of Americans, whether black or white, and that we should
not ascribe too much importance to them. But that was true also in Nazi Germany and Mao’s China.
The actual revolutionaries and radicals carrying out the acts of domestic terrorism are always few, but if they are not condemned forcefully and convincingly, then they are emboldened to strike again and again.

So-called “good” Germans celebrated the lawless attacks on Jewish citizens in 1938, giving tacit permission for the death camps that would kill millions."

More GroupThink is coming of another kind....
....and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Revelation 13:15