Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The "Really" File - (DeGeneration of a Generation)

For the sinful nature is always hostile to God.
It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.
Romans 8:7 NLT

"On Ellen DeGeneres’s daytime talk show Monday, the liberal comedian brought on celebrity couple, actress Gabrielle Union and retired NBA star Dwyane Wade, to praise them for their
supportive” decision to “transition” their pre-teen son into a girl. Along the way, the host and actress had some harsh words for parents who don’t share their same trendy views on parenting.

While lavishing praise on the couple’s decision to let their 12-year-old change genders, DeGeneres encouraged the actress to bash less woke parents as heartless monsters who don’t really love their kids.

I know this is silly to say because, you know, who doesn’t love their children unconditionally, but I guess a lot of people don’t. But it’s so amazing how supportive you’ve both been,” DeGeneres gushed.

From the "Really" File
That was all Union needed to humble-brag about how she was only doing what every parent should be doing, in leaving enormous literally life-altering decisions up to their young children to decide. Union also attacked anyone who didn’t agree as wanting to “dispose” of their children.

DeGeneres celebrated how “very very lucky” their child Zaya was to have them as parents, taking another moment to attack parents who don’t agree:
"Zaya is very, very lucky to have both of you as parents and it is unfortunate that a lot of people have children thinking they can mold them and make them who they want them to be and have a certain idea of what they are supposed to turn out like. But they all turn out different."Lifesite