Friday, May 29, 2020

Principalities of Darkness SERIES: Counterfeit "Father" God

The opponent of God has replaced the "Father" God with a Counterfeit--the "Mother" Earth. As many turn from worship of Father God to worship of Mother Earth they have set up their own Religion:

They have their own-
Soteriology/Justification: Go Green
Soteriology/Sanctification: Car Pool, Recycle, etc.
Tithing System: Carbon Tax
Eschatology: The Coming Ice Age replaced now with Global Warming
Polity: Green Nazi-like state
State of the Dead: Either "this is it" -OR- Reincarnation through/with the Cosmos
High Priest: Al Gore
Prophets: AOC, Paul Ehrlich, Sting, etc.
TV Evangelist: Greta Thunberg
Denominations: Green Peace, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, etc.
Cults: The Voluntary Human Extinction Project, Extinction Rebellion, etc.
Jihadists: Environmental Liberation Front
Holy Writ: Laudato si'
Dietary Laws: Eat Bugs, Cannibalism to Reduce amount of Animals Polluting, etc.
Gnostic Offshoot: New Age
Sabbath: Green Sabbath (to Reduce our so-called Carbon Footprint)
Great Controversy Prism: Climate Change
Religious Holidays: Earth Day, Arbor Day

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.. Galatians 1:6