Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Papal Notes - Covid-19 Laying Groundwork?

"On Thursday, May 14, 2020 in Lima, Peru, the nation’s leading religious leaders responded to Pope Francis’ call and met in the Plaza Mayor.

The Plaza Mayor is the political and religious heart of Peru and is surrounded by the Government Palace, the Catholic Cathedral, the Municipal Palace and the Archbishop’s Palace.
Pope Francis invited all the world’s religions to join together in a large ecumenical gathering to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The list of participating churches was published by three news sources that offered different accounts of the ecumenical meeting. The first was the Vatican in Rome, the second was the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Lima and the third was an independent Christian media outlet. The three news sources published the names of the attendees:
  • Amazon Spirituality – Apu Richard Rubio
  • Hindu Spirituality – Nonie Reaño
  • Baháʼí Faith – David Cerpa
  • Islamic Community – Shej Ahmed Kassen
  • Jewish Community – Rabbi Guillermo Bronstein
  • Latter-day Saints – Elder Guillermo Estrugo
  • Seventh-day Adventist Church – Edgardo Muguerza
  • Union of Evangelical Churches of Peru – Cristian Sheelje
  • National Evangelical Council of Peru – Eduardo Concha
  • Roman Catholic Church – Archbishop of Lima Carlos Castillo

The Pope’s interfaith meeting on May 14, 2020 in Lima, Peru was more than just praying for the COVID-19 pandemic.
This gathering was designed to eliminate centuries-old divisions between Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims and Pagans. In addition to calls for unity and reconciliation, they were promoting pantheism.
There was also a call to respect “Mother Earth” and the ecosystems of our planet.

An Amazonian Shaman (guide to the spirit world) participated in this event during a moment of silence for those who died from the coronavirus. The Shaman blew his ceremonial instrument as an offering on behalf of the dead! He blew it 4 times in the 4 directions of Mother Earth: north, south, east and west. This is divination and communication with the spirits. The Vatican also stated:

The Interreligious Prayer of this Thursday, May 14, had a
moment of silence in memory of all those who died in Peru by the COVID-19, while listening to the sound of pututu, an Andean wind instrument. Images of the solidarity actions of religious communities were also projected.”
Pope Francis is exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic by uniting the different faiths during this crisis."
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together (unity) to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.Revelation 9:19