Wednesday, May 20, 2020

IN the NEWS - Trump Card

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark...
Revelation 13:17
This is NOT to say that the Trump Card will be used to help implement the financial aspect of the Mark of the Beast....but it could (maybe) be used to expand on to control buying or selling in the near future regardless of who is President. Wouldn't be hard to expand it to all and go cashless with a universal basic income component. Whoever controls a national money card (this case the government) can turn yours OFF whenever and for whatever reason they decide.
"Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin unveiled a new government debit card at the White House on Tuesday to get coronavirus
economic rescue funds to more Americans.
In an effort to expedite money to people even quicker in a very safe way, I’m pleased to show you what a debit card looks like with your name on it Mr. President,” Mnuchin said at a cabinet meeting with the president on Tuesday afternoon.
The debit cards are one more way to deliver funds to Americans, not an additional financial benefit. Mnuchin said that the Treasury Department had delivered over $239 billion in funds to $141 million Americans — through 114 million direct deposits, and 27 million checks."