Wednesday, May 27, 2020

IN the NEWS - This is what happens when Churches don't Preach the Word

Below is a story from the Christian Post (Red Letters) and my Response (Tan Letters).
What happened to this Canadian "Christian Rock" singer is an example when Churches Preach Fluff over the Word....all this man's questions should have been answered, clear and succinct, from Pulpits over the Years....Where are the Shepherds of the Flock?

"Jon Steingard, the Canadian Christian rock band Hawk
Nelson’s lead vocalist, has declared on social media that I no longer believe in God,” explaining “it didn’t happen overnight.”

The list of things that didn't make sense to him kept growing throughout the years, he noted, including the commonly posed question: "If God is all loving, and all powerful, why is there evil in the world? Can he not do anything about it? Does he choose not to?"
How does a Christian of many years NOT know the answer?
There is SIN in the world - started by the opponent of God.
Man has Free Will...that's why we're in this mess in the first place.
For Example, who told the people of Germany to elect Nazi's to their governing body putting Hitler in a position to rise to power? Not God.
He didn't tell them to support a Socialistic Political Party rooted in both Spiritualism (the "Geist"/Ghost of their ancestors) and Darwinism....specifically Eugenics (attempt to create the perfect race)......God tells you not to covet what others have (opposite of Socialist demagogues), not to dabble in Spiritualism and that you ARE NOT related to Common Beasts of the field. You are made in the Image of a Holy God...Now what IF the German people had followed God instead of Hitler?....extrapolate that to everything around you in life---and every aspect of history.

He also struggled with: "Why does he (God) say not to kill, but then instruct Israel to turn around and kill men women and children to take the promised land?" and "Why does Jesus have to die for our sins (more killing again)?"
Sounds like he's been imbibing on atheist website talking points.
First, the Canaanites were not just evil in the sense that they held orgies, were Sodomites or worshiped idols of sticks and stones.
They engaged in child sacrifice which made the land stained in the blood of their own children--which God considered their worst sin.
Second, IF God doesn't exist---why does it matter? Jon's bristling at violence is just a matter of Opinion at this given moment. Opinions change....get a time machine and ask the German people their opinion of Hitler back in 1938 and then ask the German people today. Opinions change. At one time in Athens it was o.k. for 50 year old men to have sex with male minors. Today in Athens you would go to jail. Opinions change all the time. Jon's could change tomorrow when he gets up.,,,on the other hand, IF God exists--then He is Absolute, His Word is Absolute.
Why Question it as a Mortal Man?..........
Third, as for the death of Christ---He came and lived the Life that we should Live--and Died the Death that we should Die. Jon
complains about all this suffering in the world (that stems from a carnal heart of sin) but then doesn't think it requires anything Serious to make amends....the Death of Christ illustrates just how serious God takes Sin...precisely because it has led to all this suffering for several thousand years of the human
Q: how does Jon not know this as a "Christian"?
 Q: Where has he been going to Church?
Q: What has his "Christian" lyrics been about of his music he has made a living off of?

The artist came to the conclusion that the Bible can't be trusted because he felt in the end it is "human, flawed and imperfect."
So he held it up to the Mirror of his own imagination and saw the
Reflection he chose to see in it. He decided to sit in Judgment of God...that's fine. God will have His turn to sit in Judgment to.
Like Jon acknowledged, someone named Christ died in all this.
Sounds pretty serious from the perspective of God.

While he feels some loss in walking away from the faith, he also feels freedom. He admitted that he and his wife didn't enjoy going to church, reading the Bible, praying or worshipping. "It all felt like obligation." He realizes it was because they simply didn't believe."
First, there it is. Freedom---Freedom from what?...
...the so-called restraints of God in his life.
Second, "his wife"?..did she have anything to do with encouraging his slide?.....He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Mark 10:7...the same is applicable to wife......................................................