Sunday, May 31, 2020

Has the "Erelong" arrived?

--From the Covid-19 to a possible global economic collapse as a result to the violence of the modern version of Bolsheviks (Antifa, BLM, Occupy Movement, SJW, Climate Justice Warriors, Code
Pink, ELF, etc.) manipulated like puppets on a string into burning the cities of America and rising up overseas now.....lit by the tinder of Race Baiting Politics by picking at the scabs of the past among certain ethnic groups so as to keep them living in the mindset of the past---walking around thinking they live in 1870 Mississippi? A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife. Proverbs 15:18
--Will other Calamities, natural or otherwise, soon come upon us?...such as we see in the cities in India overrun by monkeys like in a weird movie of somekind?
--And WHAT was the Missing Prophecy all other times in recent
History that (such as the Depression and WW2 or during WW1 and the Spanish Flu)?....that Missing Prophecy was that it would be like the days of Lot (Lot was known for Sodom) and can anyone not argue that has arrived when western democracies sacrifice freedom of
religion and speech upon the Altar of LGBT?
--And let's not forget we have the Jesuit inspired Laudato si' for a carrot stick calling for Sunday to be set aside to let the earth rest so as to reduce our so-called carbon footprint.
*Christ in neither with white supremacist of the Klan NOR with black supremacist of Black Lives Matter....
Q: Why?
A: Because to Christ ALL LIVES MATTER. Period.

"Erelong there will be such strife and confusion in the cities, that those who wish to leave them will not be able..."
This Moment May or May Not be it...but it's getting close