Thursday, May 7, 2020

Creation Moment 5/8/2020 -Downhill Sledding on Pluto's Youth

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God....
Hebrews 11:3

"If Pluto is really 4.6 billion years old, something happened almost
instantaneously out there some time ago.
In planetary science, where experts are accustomed to thinking everything is billions of years old, sudden unique events present problems. Almost everything should have settled down by now into a routine.

Now, the planetary journal Icarus calls attention another group of features that apparently formed by rapid, catastrophic events – huge landslides lubricated by liquid nitrogen. O’Hara and Dombard write about “downhill sledding” that moved mountains. The highlights include these bullet points:
  • Pluto’s mountain block ranges could have formed by gravity-driven basal sliding.
  • Basal lubrication from liquid nitrogen is required, implying global climate change.
  • Emplacement times by this mechanism are very short, as low as hundreds of years.
  • Blocks could also be carried by glaciers if they were sufficiently submerged.
So Pluto has climate change, too, but certainly not caused by fossil fuels.
Q: When did the landslides occur?
Q: What triggered the movement of mountain block ranges at some point in Pluto’s history?

In a scheme involving billions of years, events taking hundreds of years are instantaneous, relatively speaking.

If the landslides occurred all at once, the planetary scientists might have to imagine this: a billion years, nothing happens …. another billion years, nothing happens …. BANG! Landslides! …. a billion years, nothing happens …. a billion years, nothing happens ….

Landslides, furthermore, were also inferred on the moon Charon a few years ago.
The Pluto system is not looking like a cold, dead pair of worlds in steady state that was anticipated. Things have happened since Pluto formed, and could be happening now."