Saturday, May 16, 2020

Creation Moment 5/17/2020 - "Big Bang" Problems SERIES: Missing Monopoles

"There are several reasons why we cannot just add the big bang to the Bible. Ultimately, the big bang is a secular story of origins. When first proposed, it was an attempt to explain how the universe could have been created without God. Really, it is an alternative to the Bible, so it makes no sense to try to “add” it to the Bible. Let us examine some of the profound differences between the Bible and the secular big-bang view of origins.

The Bible teaches that God created the universe in six days (Genesis 1; For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20:11).
--It is clear from the context in Genesis that these were days in the ordinary sense (i.e., 24-hour days) since they are bounded by evening and morning and occur in an ordered list (second day, third day, etc.).
--Conversely, the big bang teaches the universe has evolved over billions of years.

Missing Monopoles
Most people know something about magnets—like the kind found in a compass or the kind that sticks to a refrigerator. We often say
that magnets have two “poles”—a north pole and a south pole.

Poles that are alike will repel each other, while opposites attract. A “monopole” is a hypothetical massive particle that is just like a magnet but has only one pole. So a monopole would have either a north pole or a south pole, but not both.

Particle physicists claim that many magnetic monopoles should have been created in the high temperature conditions of the big bang.
Since monopoles are stable, they should have lasted to this day. Yet, despite considerable search efforts, monopoles have not been found.
Q: Where are the monopoles?
A: The fact that we don’t find any monopoles suggests that the universe never was that hot.
*This indicates that there never was a big bang, but it is perfectly consistent with the Bible’s account of creation, since the universe did not start infinitely hot."