Thursday, May 14, 2020

Creation Moment 5/15/2020 - Silly Darwin Stories

"Silly Darwin stories routinely get published in the world’s most prestigious journals, only because Big Science has sworn off any consideration of actual design in nature. What are they left with? Chance!

Lizards, toepads, and the ghost of hurricanes past (PNAS).
In this commentary, Peter R. Grant (the man who wasted his life
using genetic divination to look for Darwin’s image in the Galapagos finches, only to discover that they are still finches) and colleague Raymond B. Huey are now trying to use divination on the toes of Caribbean lizards. They praise the work of Donihue et al. who are measuring toe size of lizards, looking for “the ghost of hurricanes past.”
Believe it or not. If Darwinian selection has been acting on the lizards, they figure, the lizards should be able to grip trees better during hurricanes. So how did they test this by experiment? They blew on the lizards with a leaf blower!
By returning to the islands 13 mo later and measuring lizards in exactly the same manner as before, Donihue et al. discovered that the next generation of lizards had enlarged toepads, just like the hurricane survivors. Despite the lack of genetic data, this is strong evidence of an abrupt evolutionary change caused by selection.
Let us think this over.
Q: How many millions of Darwin Years have lizards been on Caribbean islands, do these cultists believe?
Q: Shouldn’t all the survivors have ginormous toes by now, able to wrap clear around the trunks of trees?" CEH