Friday, April 24, 2020

Trials & Triumph / the 7 Churches Sermon SERIES by Stephen Bohr

Trials & Triumph / the 7 Churches Sermon SERIES
(by Stephen Bohr)
 What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches...
Revelation 1:11
Introduction to Revelation 1-3
The Christ of Revelation 1  
Ephesus: The Desirable Church  
Smyrna: The Persecuted Church  
Pergamum: The Politically Correct Church  
Thyatira: The Apostate Church, Part 1  
Thyatira: The Apostate Church, Part 2
The Message to Sardis
Philadelphia: The Brotherly Love Church  
Philadelphia: The End Time Dimension
Laodicea: Diagnosing the Disease  
Laodicea: Prescribing the Cure  
The Glorious Triumph of the Church