Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Silver & Gold, Brass & Iron

But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD. Joshua 6:19

Notice these are the metals used in the Prophecy of Daniel.
Is there a symbolic meaning here?

SILVER: Persia, (the Prince of Persia was Lucifer representing
the "world").
GOLD: Babylon, known for it's wealth.
BRASS: Greece, known to the world for it's "wisdom" and philosophers.
IRON: Rome, known for it's might..

So is God symbolically saying here to give your things of this world, your wealth, your wisdom you have acquired thus far in life and your might to the service of God?--Is this why here it begins with Silver (Persia) instead of Gold (Babylon)?--
so in other words- of this world (Silver) give your wealth (Gold), wisdom (Brass) and might (Iron)  to the service of God?
...Just a thought....
always Dig Deeper