Monday, April 13, 2020

The name of spiritual Babylon Signifies.....

"What is designated by the word Babylon in the book of
Revelation? The word Babylon signifies confusion, and is derived from Babel, the place where God confounded the inhabitants of the earth in their impious attempt to build a tower up to heaven. Gen. 11:9, margin; 10:10, margin.

Babylon is the name of the symbolic harlot which was seen by John.
---A woman is the symbol of a church. Rev. 12.
---A harlot is the symbol of a corrupt church. Eze. 16.
---It is evident that the woman in Rev. 17 should be interpreted in the same manner as the one in chap. 12.
---As that symbol undoubtedly represents the true church, though spoken of as a woman and her seed, so the harlot and her daughters are doubtless the entire corrupt church. Rev. 18:5.
---We understand, therefore, that Babylon is not limited to a single ecclesiastical body, but that its very name renders it necessary that it should be composed of many.

*But it is very evident that at the time of the cry, "Come out of her, my people," (Rev.18:4) the people of God, as a body, are in that great city."